Data privacy policy

Who we are

The address of our website is:

May 28 2018

LODGE Berlin
Ute Löffelsend
10367 Berlin

Area of validity

This privacy policy provides users with information about the nature, scope and purpose of the collection and use of their data, which is collected and used by LODGE Berlin, Ute Löffelsend.
The legal framework for data protection is provided by Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz (DDG) as well as the EU-DSGVO.

Handling of personal data

Definition: Personal
data is any information by which a person can be uniquely identified.
identifiable. It is therefore data that can be traced back to a person.
can be traced back to a person.
This personal data includes the first name and surname, telephone number and e-mail address. telephone number and e-mail address. Personal data also includes information on hobbies, memberships and preferences, as well as Internet pages Internet pages that have been called up. The latter data is used by LODGE Berlin, Ute Löffelsend does not collect the latter data.

This data will only be collected, used and, if necessary, passed on by LODGE Berlin, Ute Löffelsend if this is expressly permitted by law or if the user consents to the collection, processing, use and passing on of the data or if the collection, processing, use and passing on of the data to service providers commissioned by us is necessary in connection with the processing of inquiries and the like. There is an order data processing agreement for the transfer of data to service providers commissioned by us.

Registration on our website

If you send a contact request via our website in order to make use of personalized services, personal data will be collected. This includes the name and e-mail address as contact and communication data.
For queries as well as your request for correction or deletion of the data please use please use the contact data stated in this data protection declaration.

Provision of chargeable services

No chargeable services or transactions are carried out via our website.

Contact form

If you contact us via the online form or by e-mail, we store the information you provide in order to answer your inquiry and to be able to ask possible follow-up questions.

We do not use our own cookies. Only technically necessary cookies from WordPress itself and the plugin Polylang are used.

Use of web fonts

External fonts, Google Fonts, are used on these web pages. Google Fonts is a service of Google Inc. (“Google”). The integration of these web fonts is done by a server call, usually a Google server in the USA. This transmits to the server which of our Internet pages you have visited. The IP address of the browser of the end device of the visitor to these Internet pages is also stored by Google.

Provider of this service is Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Irland.

By using this service a data transmission to a third country is possible (USA).

You can find more information in Google’s privacy policy, which you can access here:

Collection of general information

With each access to this offer, information is automatically collected by us or the web space provider. This information, also referred to as server log files, is of a general nature and does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about your person.
Among other things, the following information is collected: Name of the website, file, date, amount of data, web browser and web browser version, operating system, the domain name of your Internet Internet provider, the so-called referrer URL (the page from which you have accessed our accessed our offer) and the IP address.

Without this data, it would not be technically possible to deliver and display the contents of the website. In this respect, the collection of the data is mandatory. In addition, we use the anonymous information for statistical purposes. They help us to optimize the offer and the technology. We also reserve the right to check the log files retrospectively if we suspect illegal use of our offer.

Data economy

In accordance with the principles of data avoidance and data economy, we store personal data only as long as is as long as it is necessary or required by law (legal storage period). (statutory storage period). If the purpose of the information collected no longer applies or the storage period ends, we will block or delete the data.Your rights to information, correction, blocking, deletion and objection

Your rights to information, correction, blocking, deletion and objection

You have the right to request information, free of charge, about the personal data stored by us and/or to request correction, blocking or deletion. Exceptions: It is the mandatory data storage for business processing or the data is subject to the legal obligation to retain.

For these purposes, please contact Ute Löffelsend at the following email address:

Change of our privacy policy

In order to ensure that our data protection declaration always complies with the current legal requirements, we reserve the right to make changes at any time. This also applies in the event that the data protection declaration has to be adapted due to new or revised services, for example new services. The new data protection statement will then apply the next time you visit our website.